Friday, September 17, 2010

Orange Themed Wedding

~I had read about the website Polyvore where you can put together different images of things you like and make collages or inspiration boards with them. I told my sister about the website and we both have been hooked making all kinds of boards. I will admit, lots of hers look so much better than mine...we just both have that very different eye, but they all turn out great!
~What's cool about this site is as you search for images to add to your "set," polyvore saves the information about the object, such as where it can be purchased, and for how much, so later on you will know where to go to find them! It's pretty neat. For instance, you can click on the image of this inspiration board, and it will take you to a polyvore website displaying my board. As you scroll your mouse over the picture, boxes will appear outlining each object. When you go to a certain object, another little box will pop up giving a description of it! It's like the computer has a mind of it's own. Oh, wait....
~Anyway, here is one of the first ones that I made, while watching Whose Wedding is it Anyway, which is why the first one was a wedding theme. haha. Hope you just like the colors :)
~*And I want the shoes!

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